Tuesday, 20 March 2018

CIBSE Building Simulation Group at Build2Perform 2017

Professor Malcolm Cook discussing Chapter 6 of AM11

Professor Darren Woolf presented the CIBSE building simulation group's session at CIBSE Build2Perform 2017, focusing on Building Simulation for the 21st Century.

The first session with Professor David Williams, Professor Malcolm Cook, Professor Chris Underwood and Professor Hazim Awbi, gave an overview on CIBSE AM11 with a specific focus on Energy, Ventilation and Plant simulation.

Published in 2015, the guide provided updated detailed guidance on the simulation of the built environment and further details can be found in the release post on this blog.

The next session, presented by David Cocking of DesignBuilder software, Ian Highton  of Environmental Design Solutions and Cormac Glynn  of IES provided some excellent case studies in parametric modelling to refine building performance and calibration of models to close the performance gap & provide useful data for building upgrade.

The final session was presented by Fred Mendonça of ESI-OpenCFD and Dr Rob Woolhouse of Ansis and provided examples of large scale CFD simulation using Openfoam & discussions relating to the accessibility and availability of CFD and the computing power required for it.

Fred Mendonça presenting the capabilities of Openfoam & ESI-OpenCFD
Fred Mendonça presenting the capabilities of Openfoam & ESI-OpenCFD